About Me

Background, Expertise and Future Plans


I am Adel Ansari, 25 year-old and from Iran. I was born and raised in UAE and I was living there ever since before moving to Finland. I have full proficiency in three languages namely English, Arabic and Persian. I am a beginner in Spanish, Japanese and Finnish languages.

I have completed my B.Sc. Nuclear Engineering at University of Sharjah, UAE. I am graduating from MSc degree in Mechanical Engineering at Aalto University very soon. I worked as both research assistant and teaching assistant during my master’s studies.

I have a large range of hobbies such as mingling into some newly released computer software and get inspired by their functionality and graphical user interface, learning programming languages, get acquainted with new topics in “New Scientist” magazine, play sports, draw and much more!

Personal Reflection

My life as a student has always been an out-of-the-box journey. It is filled with lots of incredible learning experiences, skill development and continuous thinking. It was easy to get caught up in the day-to day aspects of student life and focus on learning while forgetting to pause, self-reflect, and look at the bigger picture to help me create a better sense of identity, who I want to be and how I will get there. Similar to climbing a mountain, sometimes I can see the peak I want to reach. However, most of the time, I am hiking through trees along trails that don’t seem to head anywhere. There are some aspects that have influenced my learning positively. Whereas, there were some opportunities that I dove into without knowing what to expect.



  1. Using Mathematica to solve structural problems by manipulating the digital representations of the equations to produce abstractions of the way the system behaves.
  2. Using MATLAB to perform verification and validation of numerical predictions, data processing and simulation.
  3. Using software for structural analysis, simulation, numerical modeling and 3D design of engineering products and system.
  4. Non-destructive testing, defect detection and using ultrasonic waves in the form of short impulses for quality control purposes.
  5. Research Experience through completing scientific projects, publishing journals and working as a research assistant in different departments.
  6. Comprehensive technical knowledge in nuclear engineering


Listed in my CV.


As a person, I am development-driven. I like to accomplish new things by building on smaller steps of growth, learning and solving challenges as they emerge in different projects. I think that embodies the true spirit of engineering as well.

Since childhood, I enjoyed solving puzzles which improved my critical thinking skills. Acquiring knowledge in variety of topics during my academic life has leveled up my creativity to bring solutions swiftly and effectively as I tackle a problem. My eagerness keeps me motivated to be technical oriented to revolutionize the industry and facilitate people’s life. My inclination for problem solving and desire to know more drew the inspiration to imbibe the true spirit of engineering.

I came to appreciate scientific discussions and showcasing opinions, independent decisions and responsibility, clear plans and organized approaches, teamwork and communication between members and finally showing progress reports. One of my positive outlook I have toward tasks and assignments is that I have to finish what I start and respect the deadlines.