Flux in Lattice
Solving non-homogenous linear system using the following methods:
- Triangular Factorization Method
- Gaussian Elimination Method
- Jacobi Iterative method
- Gauss-Seidel Iterative Method
- Successive Relaxation Method
The code “project.m” will perform the following tasks:
- Ask the user to specify the length of the region or mesh size.
- Specify the number of divisions or number of meshes.
- Enter the macroscopic absorption cross section.
- Enter the Diffusion coefficient.
- Entering the flux values.
- Displaying the flux coefficients in Matrix form.
- Entering the source values (asks the user to choose between entering it manually at each division or specifying the source-function in terms of the variable rad).
- Asking the user to choose the method to use for solving the matrix.
- Check and show errors if any (maximum element in column X is zero and no exact solution for singular matrix)
- Solve according to the selected method.
- Display the number of iterations in each method.
- Print the Flux and Norm in the last iteration.
- Plot the flux & the norm for the specified method.
- Ask the user whether to continue and try another method or exit the program.