Inside e-bikes

08 November 2019

How electricity is powering a new wave of enthusiasm for cycling?

If someone cycles past you up a steep hill looking serene and sweat-free. they’re either extremely tit or riding an electric bike. Electric. bikes still have pedals and can be ridden like conventional bicycles, but integrated meters add power and propulsion when needed. They range from bikes with small meters that assist when a cyclist is pedalling (known as pedelec) to models with throttles, which are able to operate like mopeds when the rider engages the meter.

Audi Electric Bike
Audi Electric Bike [1]

While electric bikes — or e-bikes — have enjoyed a real surge in popularity since the late 1990s, they’ve been around since the Victorian era. Ambitious inventors and engineers first attached meters to bicycles in the 1880s. Electric bikes had the potential to ease traffic and pollution, but heavy, electrically driven wheels and weak batteries made early attempts impractical.

The invention of the lithium-ion battery in 1991 finally made lightweight electric bikes a reality. An e—bike can now cover more than 100 kilometers before it needs charging.

E-bikes don’t do all the work for cyclists, but they do make cycling considerably easier and more accessible. From city commutes to countryside adventures, electric bikes reduce the amount of effort cyclists need to put into their journeys while providing that wind—in-your—hair feeling.

Tens of millions electric bicycles are new ridden every day in China. in the Netherlands adults are buying more electric bikes than non-electric models, and it’s predicted that it won‘t be long before one in three bikes sold across central Europe will be electric. As well as providing financial benefits for the countries manufacturing and distributing the bikes, it’s hoped that this home in sales will improve health as more people choose to cycle.

“Ambitious inventors and engineers first attached meters to bicycles in the 1880s”

Safety first

Electric bikes can make cycling easier and quicker. but they’re just as likely to be involved in an incident if not used carefully. Because of their increased weight and speed. it’s important to pay careful attention to the road, so you can brake or steer in plenty of time to avoid hazards. Drivers will often base their decisions on the speed of a normal bike, so always stay alert in case a car pulls out in front of you. Cyclists riding electric bikes should also take the usual safety precautions. like using lights and reflective clothing at night and wearing a helmet.